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Sunday 6 February 2011

My Plot Synopsis

Plot Synopsis

The film will revolve around a young female (Nicole – ‘18’) who is a student still in school. She is the main character with only a few scenes of other characters making an appearance in flashbacks of the trailer. The film trailer starts with the girl stuck inside a closet; we don’t know how she got in there, why she is in there, or how she is going to get out. The female character will show to be a popular student, with high grades - we will show this in the trailer by a flashback of her teacher throwing down her results paper on the desk with disbelief and a close up shot of her results paper with the highest grades on. In the film trailer using a flashback we will also show that she comes from a rich family, by a shot of her house and her parents giving her the keys to her brand new car (we will see this as the car will be wrapped up in a big ribbon and we will see that she has a big badge on her shirt with ‘18’ on it. She is going to be represented as a young girl with a perfect life, which is why we want to know the secrets behind her being in the situation she is in. She will also be someone who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself, which is why we can see there are lots of people who could be a suspect in doing this to her.
Although we won’t show where she is held in the trailer, in the main film it will show at the end to be directly under the school, because at the start of the film, we would see some construction workers building this huge metal building underground, this building underground will be a containment place for deadly murderers, and there will be a date at the bottom saying ‘15th October 1855’. In the film the next scene would cut to present day, as it will show at the bottom of the screen, and a shot of the school with everyone outside the building, this showing us at the start of the film that there is a big building underneath the school which they might not know about.
Throughout the film trailer we will see that the only way for her to escape from this closet is to figure out the games and puzzles that lie in front of her on the door, objects could also be hung up on the door, to help her with each puzzle/game. To make this film a more exciting thriller we will see that there is a clock on the wall with only a certain amount of time on it, and at the end of the time, the words ‘end game’, making the audience know how long she has got to escape this closet. Each room will have a time limit for her to complete the game. When she completes a game, she will receive a key, and attached to that key will be a date, we will then show in the film trailer her having a flashback to that date, she will try to figure out what happened on that day, and see if something strange could have gone on that day, or if she particularly hurt someone.
She figures out the first puzzle/game quite quickly and opens the closet door to what she thinks is freedom, but in fact finds herself in a small room with another door in front of her and another puzzle/game, with a clock still ticking in this room, she figures out that she is not safe from freedom yet. She has to figure out what she has to do again to find the right way out, as we see she is a bright student, she figures out these puzzles/games quite quickly, with the instructions on the wall and only a few other items. We soon see as she figures out each puzzle/game and opens the door, she enters another room with another door and more games. We watch her struggle as we see her trying to figure out each game, as she doesn’t know how many more there is or if when the clock runs out, that’s the end for her. In the film and near the end of the trailer we will see she has a big decision when she is faced with two doors and two screens on the wall. In one room her mother and in the other room her boyfriend, but although the one person will be in the first room, they would actually be in the second room, as she will think they are in those rooms but have actually been swapped. She will save the one even though she meant to save the other.

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