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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Editing The Trailer 29/03/2011

Today we edited our trailer some more. We managed to put the rest of the shots in order and our titles in order. We have edited:
  • The titles for the trailer. We have put them all in the correct order.
  • The scene where the pictures are falling over the girl. This is a present shot.
  • The scene where the girl is being dragged accross the floor. This is a present shot.
  • The scene where the girl is banging on the door. This is a present shot.
  • The scene where the girl is running outside. This is a present shot.
  • We also made some changes to our previous edited shots. We shortened different parts such as the car scene, and we have put some shots in a different order.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Editing The Trailer 24/03/2011

Unfortunately what we have edited so far on the computer has been lost, so today we started re-editing for our trailer. We managed to retrieve all of our footage that we have done, and now have started to edit it into the correct place. Today we edited:
  • The very beginning of the trailer, where Nicole is trapped in a room and tries to answer her phone.
  • When Nicole recieves an 'A' for her work off the teacher.
  • When Nicole walks to the school with her boyfriend.
  • Nicole walking to her car and looking aroung because she thinks someone is following her.
  • When the pictures fall all around her.
  • Nicole trying to reach for the key.
  • Nicole running away from someone outside.

Monday 14 March 2011

Thursday 10 March 2011

Filming For Trailer 10/03/11

Today we filmed a few more shots for our trailer.

  • Inside of school
  • Outside of school
  • Inside of house
  • Outside of house
  • Phone
  • Key
  • The main female actor (Nicole).
  • Nicole's boyfriend
  • All shots were filmed in the daytime.
  • Nicole and her boyfriend walking into school. This is a past event. It will be shown near the start of the trailer.
  • Nicole's boyfriend screaming into the camera. This is going to be used in the monitor room shot. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown near the end of the trailer.
  • Digital clock counting down from 30-0 seconds. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown near the end.
  • Nicole in the middle of the quadrangle. She is running up the stairs and starts to look stuck. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown near the end.
  • Nicole walking towards the camera. She is stuck in the room and looks directly at the camera. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown at the very end.
  • Nicole being dragged backwards on the floor by someone. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown at the very end.
  • Photos of Nicole fall around her from the ceiling. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown near the end of the trailer.
  • Nicole banging on the door and falling to the ground. This is a present event in the trailer. It will be shown in the middle of the trailer.
Camera techniques used in shots:
  • Panning shot
  • Extreme close-up shot
  • Close-up shot
  • Medium close-up shot
  • Long shot
  • Birds eye view shot
  • Zoom
  • Tilt
  • Point of view shot

Monday 7 March 2011

Editing The Trailer 07/03/2011

Today we did some more editing. We managed to complete a few key scenes in our trailer, which were;
  • The start of the trailer with Nicole locked in a room. This lasts around 15 seconds and shows the situation she is in. It is a present event in the trailer.
  • A past scene, where Nicole is seen recieving an A grade off her teacher. Where you can also see the jealousy of her friends and suprised look on the teachers face. This lasts about 5-6 seconds.
  • Another past shot, where Nicole is walking towards her car and sees a reflection of a person in her windscreen. This lasts about 5-6 seconds.
We also had a go at creating our titles, including our production company. At the moment we have decided to use 'Warlock Productions', as our company name. It will be shown at the very start of the trailer, which keeps in conventions with most film trailers. We have ued effects and transitions on the company name to make it more interesting. Our reason for using the name 'Warlock Productions' was mainly due to the fact, that it sounds like a company which usually creates adventure/action films. So by using the company for a thriller film, would make it more recognisable to the audience (if it were real), and gives us the chance to change the font and 'look' of the company name, to our genre type, which is what many companies would do, because then before you watch the trailer, the company name gives away what type of genre the film may be. All this should show that we have created a company name, that seems as though it has been running for a long time.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Editing The Trailer 01/03/2011

Today we imported all of our scenes for our trailer, off the camera and on to the computer.